Wednesday 22 January 2014


1. Match the following :
Thinker Management
a. F.W. Taylor i. Authority and
b. Henri Fayol ii. Hierarchy
c. Weber iii. Separation of
planning from
d. Elton Mayo iv. Human
Codes : Approach
b c d
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) iii ii i iv
2. Which of the following is the major
element of planning process ?
(A) Developing leadership abilities
(B) Selecting right people
(C) Perception of opportunities
(D) Motivating people
3. Which  principle  of  management  is
violated by matrix organisation
structure ?
(A) Division of Labour
(B) Unity of Direction
(C) Unity of Command
(D)  None of the above
4. Which  of  the  following  involves
careful   analysis   of   inputs   and
corrective actions before operation is
completed ?
(A) Feed forward control
(B) Concurrent control
(C) Feedback control
(D) All the above

5. Which  of  the  following  is  not  a
semantic barrier of communication ?
(A) Faulty translation
(B) Ambiguous words
(C) Specialist’s language
(D) Inattention
6. People should be regarded as assets
rather   than   variable   costs   was
emphasised in
(A) Personnel Management
(B) Human Resource Management
(C) Personnel Administration
(D) Public Administration
7. The classical   theorists favoured
organisation based on
(A) Civilian model
(B) Strategic model
(C) Military model
(D) None of the above
8. Job analysis includes :
(A) Job description and job
(B) Job enlargement and job
(C) Job description and job
(D) All of the above
9. A  test  which  measures,  what  it  is
intended to measure is
(A) Reliable test
(B) Standardised test
(C) Objective test
(D) Valid test

10. An enquiry that is conducted afresh because of the objections raised by alleged employee is called 

(A) Domestic enquiry 

(B) De-novo enquiry 

(C) Ex-parte enquiry 

(D) None of the above 

11. The concept of HRD scorecard was introduced in India by 
(A) Udai Pareek 

(B) Rao and Pareek 

(C) T.V. Rao 

(D) Arun Honappa 

12. Performance appraisal by all the following parties is called 360 performance appraisal : 

(A) Supervisors and Peers 

(B) Subordinates and Employees themselves 
(C) Users of Service and Consultants 

(D) All the above 

13. The following is the right process of training : 
(A) Instructional design, validation, need analysis, implementation and evaluation 

(B) Need analysis, instructional design, validation, implementation and evaluation 

(C) Need analysis, validation, instructional design, implementation and evaluation 

(D) Instructional design, need analysis, implementation, validation and evaluation 

14. Fish bone analysis as a tool of quality circle was advanced by 

(A) Edward Deming 

(B) Joseph Juran 

(C) Kouru Ishi Kawa 

(D) Phillip Crosby 

15. Match the following : 

Books and Authors


a. Games People i. Eric Bernie Play 
b. I am OK you ii. Kurt Lewin
are OK
c. Johari iii. Thomas A.
Window Harris
d. Force Field iv. Joseph Lufth &
Analysis Harry Inghams
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iii i ii iv

16. Which of the following decreases group cohesiveness ? 
(A) Agreement on group goals 

(B) Frequency of interaction 

(C) Large group size 

(D) All the above 

17. Managers  subscribing  to  ______ 
assumptions attempt to structure, control and closely supervise their employees. 

(A) Theory ‘X’ 

(B) Theory ‘Y’ 

(C) Both Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’ 

(D) Neither Theory ‘X’ nor Theory ‘Y’ 

18. According  to Fiedler’s  Contingency
Model of Leadership, which one of the
following is a situational variable ?
(A) Leader – Member relationship
(B) Organisational System
(C) Degree of task structure
(D) Leader’s position power
19. The right sequence of steps in
Lewin’s change procedure is
(A) Unfreezing – Moving – Freezing
(B) Moving – Unfreezing – Freezing
(C) Unfreezing – Freezing – Moving
(D) Freezing – Moving – Unfreezing
20.  Which  of  the  following  is  not  a

traditional  method of  organisational
development ?
(A) Survey feedback
(B) Sensitivity training
(C) Process consultation
(D) Managerial grid
21. Characteristics of Industrial Relations
do not include :
(A) Industrial Relations are outcome
of employment relationship in an
industrial enterprise.
(B) Industrial Relations promote the
skills and methods of adjustment
and co-operation with each other.
(C) Industrial Relations create
complex rules and regulations to
maintain cordial relations.
(D) Industrial Relations system
creates an environment
distrust and conflict.

22.  Who are not the Actors of Industrial

Relations ?
(A)  Workers and their organisations
(B) Employers and their
(C) Community and cultural
(D)  Government and the role of the
23.  Which of the following is a machinery

for settlement of industrial disputes ?
(A) Indian Labour Conference
(B) Joint Management Council
(C) Industrial Tribunal
(D) Standing Labour Committees
24.  Match List – I with List – II :
List – I List – II
a. Joint Management i.  1958
Council consisting of
representatives of
workers and
management was
considered by the
Indian Labour
Conference (ILC) in its
15th Session in the year
b. Works Committees ii. 1947
were set-up under the
Industrial Disputes Act
in the year
c. ILO established in the iii. 1919
d. First National iv. 1969
Commission on Labour
submitted its report in
the year
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv i iii ii
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) ii iv i ii

25. Which of the following trends in the employment relations in the new economic era is not correct ? 

(A) Declining stability and security 

(B) Declining labour intensity 

(C) No shift from contract of service to contract of service 

(D) Declining mutual commitment 

26. A Trade Union means 

“An association of workers in one or more professions carried on mainly for the purpose of protecting and advancing the members’ economic interest in connection with their daily work”. 

Identify the author : 

(A) Sidney and Beatrice Webb 

(B) J. Cunnison 

(C) G.D.H. Cole 

(D) Clyde E. Dankert 

27. A union may claim recognition for an industry in a local area, if it has membership of 

(A) 10% of the workers in that industry. 

(B) 15% of the workers in that area. 

(C) 25% of the workers of that industry in that area. 

(D) 30% of the workers in similar industry. 

28. Who among the following advocated the Trusteeship Theory of Trade Union ? 

(A) N.M. Lokhande 

(B) B.P. Wadia 

(C) G.L. Nanda 

(D) M.K. Gandhi 

29. Inter and intra-union rivalry in Trade Unions is reduced by 

(A) The provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 

(B) By voluntary tripartite code of inter-union rivalry – 1957 

(C) By bipartite mutual agreement at the industry level 

(D) Above all 

30. Match the following trade unions according to the year of formation : 

List – I List – II
a. AITUC i. 1947
b. CITU ii. 1948
c. INTUC iii. 1920
d. HMS iv. 1970

Codes :
a b c d
(A) iii iv i ii
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) i ii iii iv

31. ‘Employment Injury’ means personal injury to an employee caused by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment being an insurable employment if the accident occurs or occupational disease is contracted only within territorial limits of India and not outside India. 

The above statement is 

(A) correct. 

(B) incorrect. 

(C) true only in case of occupational injury. 

(D) true only in case of accident. 

32. Under ESI Act, 1948 a member of the Corporation, Standing Committee or the Medical Council shall cease to be a member of the body if he fails to attend 

(A) two consecutive meetings 

(B) three meetings intermittently 

(C) three consecutive meetings 

(D) four consecutive meetings 

33. Under Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 

(A) individual manager subordinate to an employer cannot act as managing agent. 

(B) managing agent includes an individual manager subordinate to an employer. 

(C) only employer can act as managing agent. 

(D) the appropriate government shall appoint managing agent. 

34. The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1965 and the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 

(A) together can be applicable. 

(B) the Maternity Benefit Act and the Employees State Insurance Act can be applicable at a time. 

(C) the Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Employees State Insurance Act can be applicable at a time. 

(D) if the Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Maternity Benefit Act are applicable, the Employees State Insurance Act is not applicable. 

35. What is the content of the Schedule I of the ESI Act, 1948 ? 

(A) List of injuries deemed to result in permanent total disablement. 

(B) List of injuries deemed to result in permanent partial disablement. 

(C) List of occupational diseases. 

(D) None of the above 

36. A person is qualified to be chosen as a member of the executive or any other office bearer of the registered trade union if he attained the age of 

(A) Fifteen years 

(B) Eighteen years 

(C) Twenty one years 

(D) Twenty five years 

37. The registered trade union can collect political fund from its members as a 

(A) general fund 

(B) cannot collect political fund 

(C) separate fund from the interested members 

(D) only from political parties 

38. ‘Award’ under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is 

(a) not interim determination of labour court 

(b) not arbitration award under Section 10A 

(c) not final determination of labour court 

(d) not final determination of arbitration award under section 10A 

(A) All statements are true. 

(B) (a) and (d) are true. 

(C) (b) is true. 

(D) All statements are wrong. 

39. The dispute of individual workman is deemed to be industrial dispute if the dispute or difference is connected with or arising out of the following where no other workman nor any union of workman is a party to the dispute. 

(A) Grievance of an individual workman. 

(B) Discharge of an individual workman. 

(C) Dismissal of an individual workman. 

(D) Discharge, dismissal, retrenchment or otherwise termination of services of an individual workman. 

40. The ceiling on wage or salary for calculation of Bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act 1965 is 

(A) ` 2,500 (B) ` 3,500
(C) ` 4,500 (D) ` 6,500

41. “A desirable state of existence comprehending physical, mental, moral and emotional health or well being” is the theme of which concept of Labour Welfare ? 

(A) Social Concept 

(B) Total Concept 

(C) Relative Concept 

(D) Positive Concept 

42. Assertion (A) : Labour Welfare is relative to time and space. 

Reason (R) : It shall be universal and perpetual.

(A) Assertion and Reason are right. 

(B) Assertion is wrong and Reason is right. 

(C) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong. 

(D) Assertion is right but its explanation given in Reason is wrong. 

43. Minimum conditions of welfare is explained by 

(A) Dr. Aykroid’s formula 

(B) Subsistence Theory 

(C) Both (A) and (B) 

(D) None of the above 

44. Which of the following is not a principle of Labour Welfare ? 

(A) The Principle of Uniformity 

(B) The Principle of Co-ordination and Integration 

(C) The principle of Association 

(D) The Principle of Timeliness 

45.  Match the following :
List – I List – II
(Theme) (Theory)
a. The labour i. Trusteeship
welfare Theory
philosophy is
meant for
guarding the
interests of
labour against
the exploitation
of employers.
b. The labour ii. Placating
welfare Theory
exposes the
cause of
considerations by
the employer of
employee well
c. The   employer iii. Policing
has to set out a Theory
portion of the
profits for the
benefit of the
d. Labour Welfare iv. Philanthropic
is provided for Theory
pacifying the
working class
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv iii i
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) iv ii iii i

46.  “Labour is not a commodity” – is the

assertion made by
(A) the Declaration of Philadelphia
adopted by 26th session of ILO
(B) the Magna Carta
(C)  the Constitution of India
(D) the International Labour

Match the following :
Concept Propagators
a. Industrial i. Karl Marx
b. Industrial ii. Robert Owen
c. Class Conflict iii. Peter F. Drucker
d. Welfare iv. Sydney &
Movement Beatrize Webbs
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iii i ii iv
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) ii iv i iii
48.  Assertion (A) : Industrial Labour in
India has been migratory.
Reason  (R)  :  Driving  force  in
migration comes almost entirely
from one end of the channel, that
is the village end.
(A)  Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(B)  (A) is wrong and (R) is right.
(C)  (A) is right and (R) also is right.
(D)  (A) is right and (R) is wrong.
Match the following :
Theory of wages Propagators
a. Wage Fund Theory i.  John Bates
b. Marginal ii. John
Productivity Davidson
c. Bargaining Theory iii. John Stuart
d. Investment Theory iv. Gilelman
Codes :
b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) iii i ii iv
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) i iii ii iv
The “Marginal Discounted Product of
Labour” as  a modified  version of
Marginal Productivity Theory was
advanced by
(A) Taussig (B) Kalecki
(C) Ricardo (D) Adam Smith


Q01 C
Q02 C
Q03 C
Q04 A
Q05 D
Q06 B
Q07 C
Q08 C
Q09 D
Q10 B
Q11 C
Q12 D
Q13 B
Q14 C
Q15 B
Q16 C
Q17 A
Q18 B
Q19 A
Q20 C
Q21 D
Q22 C
Q23 C
Q24 A
Q25 C
Q26 A
Q27 C
Q28 D
Q29 B
Q30 A
Q31 B
Q32 C
Q33 D
Q34 D
Q35 D
Q36 B
Q37 C
Q38 D
Q39 D
Q40 B
Q41 B
Q42 D
Q43 C
Q44 A
Q45 B
Q46 A
Q47 B
Q48 C
Q49 B
Q50 A

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