Wednesday 22 January 2014


Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Ivan Pavlov i. Social Learning
b. B.F. Skinner ii. S-O-B-C.
c. Albert
d. Freud Luthans iv. Operant
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv ii iii i

2. ‘Case of Schimdt’ is associated with
which School of Management thought ?
(A) Human Relations School
(B) Behavioural School
(C) Systems Approach
(D) Scientific Management

3. Arrange the following systems in the
right order on the managerial style
continuum suggested by Rensis Likert
(a) Consultative
(b) Benevolent Authoritative
(c) Exploitative Authoritative
(d) Joint decision-making
(A) c, b, a, d
(B) c, a, b, d
(C) b, a, c, d
(D) c, d, b, a

4. Performance Appraisal is a primary
human resource management process
that links employees and organizations
and provides input for other processes
through these means :
(A) Identification, measurement,
(B) Assessment, direction,
(C) Recruitment, Selection,
(D) Skill, effort, responsibility.

5. The amount sufficient to enable a
worker to live in reasonable comfort,
having regard to all obligations to
which an average worker would
ordinarily be subject to
(A) Minimum Wage
(B) Fair Wage
(C) Living Wage

6. Technique of drawing conclusions
from a candidate’s hand writing about
future performance in a role is
(A) Graphology
(B) Physiognomy
(C) Phrenology
(D) Astronomy

7. Which of the following is method of
Union recognition ?
(A) Secret Ballot
(B) Membership Verification
(C) Check-off System
(D) All the above
(D) Nominal Wage

8. Find out the approach which does not
include industrial relations
(A) Psychological approach
(B) Sociological approach
(C) Human relations approach
(D) Physiological approach

9. Workers do join Trade Unions : Find
out the incorrect reason out of the
following :
(A) To attain economic security
(B) To improve bargaining power
(C) To ventilate their grievancies
(D) To satisfy their family needs

10. Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Craft
i. Associations of
workers or
b. General
ii. Based on craft
c. Industrial
unionization of
the same industry
or different
d. Federation iv. Unionisation of
workers any region
or any job
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) ii i iii iv
(C) iv i ii iii
(D) i ii iii iv

11. Who coined the term ‘informal
(A) Keith Davis
(B) Amartya Sen
(C) Mahabub Ul Haq
(D) Keith Hart

12. Reducing the number of employees at
operational level and reorganizing the
work system in order to attain greater
(A) Downsizing
(B) Manpower inventory
(C) Manpower forecasting
(D) All the above

13. Which of the following is not a method
of social security ?
(A) Social Assistance
(B) Social Action
(C) Social Insurance
(D) Mutual Assistance

14. Which of the following statements
about workers’ participation in
Management in India is not true ?
(A) It is a part of the 20 point
Economic programme.
(B) It is provided in the Directive
Principles of State Policy.
(C) It is made a Constitutional
provision under the 42nd
Amendment Act.
(D) It is a justiceable right of the

15. Who has given the concept of ‘Core
competence’ ?
(A) Sumantra Ghosal & C.A. Bartlett
(B) T. Deal and A. Kennedy
(C) C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel
(D) C.A. Forehand

16. Who has advanced the Goal setting
theory of Performance Management ?
(A) E.A. Locke & Gary Lutham
(B) F. Trompenaavs and Charles
(C) R. Tung and Arthur Anderson
(D) J.C. Usunier and P.N. Gharvi

17. Match the following :
List – I
List – II
a. Tom Peters
i. The Future
b. Thomas
ii. The
c. Alvin Tofler iii.The World is flat
d. Heidi &
Alvin Tofler
iv. In search of
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iv ii iii i
(B) i iv ii iii
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iii iv ii i

18. Who has advance the PDCA cycle of
Quality Management ?
(A) Joseph M. Juran
(B) W. Edwards Deming
(C) Kaoru Ishikawa
(D) Phillip Crosby

19. Which of the following statements
about I.L.O. is not true ?
(A) I.L.O is a tripartite body.
(B) I.L.O was established in 1919.
(C) I.L.O passes only
(D) I.L.O conventions are mandatory
for those countries which ratify

20. Match the following contributions to
TQM with the contributors :
List – I
List – II
a. Walter A.
i. Concept of
b. Joseph M.
ii. Product Design
c. Kaoru
control charts
d. Genichi
iv. Quality as
‘fitness for use’
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii iv i ii

21. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance,
individualism and masculinity as
dimensions of cross–cultural
comparative model is given by
(A) Kluckhohn & Strodthbeck
(B) Geert Hofstede
(C) Andres Lauvent
(D) Hall and Trompenaar

22. Which of the following organizations
are world oriented ?
(A) Geocentric
(B) Polycentric
(C) Regiocentric
(D) Ethnocentric

23. Find out the characteristics of
collective bargaining which is not
(A) It is a collective process.
(B) It is a flexible process.
(C) It is not a bipartile process.
(D) It is interdisciplinary system.

24. Find out the one which is not an
element of employee empowerment :
(A) Belief system and trust
(B) Purposefulness
(C) Arbitrariness
(D) Self sufficiency or Competency

25. Which of the following is not a factor
of emotional intelligence ?
(A) Ability
(B) Reason
(C) Emotion
(D) Thinking without feeling

26. Find out the origin of the statement in a
socialist democracy labour is a partner
in the common task of development,
should participate in it with
(A) Constitution of India
(B) Directive principles of State
(C) Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
(D) Royal Commission on Labour

27. The First Indian Trade Union led by
women was
(A) A.I.T.U.C.
(B) I.N.T.U.C.
(C) H.M.S.
(D) C.I.T.U.

28. The first commission to recommend
tripartism consultation in India was
(A) The First National Commission
on Labour
(B) The Second National
Commission on Labour
(C) The Royal Commission on
(D) The Indian Labour Conference

29. India ratified I.L.O. Convention No.
144 on tripartite consultation among
government, employer’s and worker’s
representatives in :
(A) 1968
(B) 1958
(C) 1978
(D) 1988

30. A Joint Consultative Board (J.C.B.) of
industry and labour was set up in 1951
with the initiative of :
(A) V.V. Giri
(B) G.L. Nanda
(C) Morarji Desai
(D) Jagjivan Ram

31. Three tier framework of industrial
relations was proposed by :
(A) Kochan, T.A., et. al
(B) Richardson J.H.
(C) Clark Kerr
(D) John T. Dunlop

32. A system of industrial relations where
social and labour issues are discussed
between trade unions and management
at enterprise level is :
(A) Bipartism
(B) Tripartism
(C) Social dialogue
(D) None of the above

33. The relations between government and
transnational corporations are divided
into liberal, neo-mercantilist and neoimperialist
categories by :
(A) Richardson, J.H.
(B) Clark Kerr
(C) Kochan, T.A., et.al
(D) John T. Dunlop

34. Which act requires employers in
industrial establishments to define the
conditions of employment ?
(A) The Factories Act, 1948
(B) The Industrial Disputes Act,1947
(C) The Industrial Employment
(standing orders) Act, 1946
(D) The Trade Union Act, 1926

35. Who identified the types of unions as
business, predatory, dependent and
friendly ?
(A) Roberts, B.C.
(B) Robert F. Hoxie
(C) Kirkaldy, H.S.
(D) Perlman Selig

36. Who proposed that industrial relations
activities take place among three
principal social partners at three
levels ?
(A) John T. Dunlop
(B) Richardson, J.H.
(C) Kochan, T.A. et.al
(D) Clark Kerr

37. Arrange the following steps involved
in establishing a career development
system in proper sequence :
(a) Vision
(b) Needs
(c) Action plan
(d) Results
(A) d, c, b, a
(B) b, a, c, d
(C) b, d, a, c
(D) c, a, b, d

38. Human values in regard to
Management Development do not
(A) Dignity and forgiveness
(B) Arrogance and anger
(C) Gratitude and gentleness
(D) Humility and Honesty

39. Management development is
concerned with learning of
(A) Mechanical skills
(B) Specific job skills
(C) Conceptual and creative skills
(D) All the above

40. According to Robert L. Katz, the right
sequence of relative importance of
various managerial skills from top to
bottom is
(a) technical
(b) human
(c) conceptual
(A) c, b, a
(B) a, b, c
(C) c, a, b
(D) b, c, a

41. The concept of management by
objectives was given by
(A) Peter F. Drucker
(B) Luther Gulick
(C) Rensis Likert
(D) Blake and Mouton

42. OCTAPACE culture means
(A) Openness-cooperation-Truth-
(B) Openness-Confrontation-Trust-
(C) Openness-Confrontation-Trust-
(D) Openness-Confrontation-Trust-

43. Empowerment means authority to
make decisions in ones area of
(A) by taking approval from the
(B) without having to get approval
from anyone else
(C) without caring for the
(D) All the above

44. Self perceived talents, motives and
values that influence career of an
individual are known as
(A) career anchors
(B) career plans
(C) career aims
(D) none of the above

45. Who has advanced the Bottom of the
Pyramid concept ?
(A) Garry Dessler
(B) Peter Drucker
(C) C.K. Prahlad
(D) Michael Porter

46. Which one is not a general conceplt of
T.Q.M. ?
(A) Continuous Improvement
(B) Team Work
(C) Strategy
(D) Quality Education

47. Which one of the following is not an
interpersonal role identified by Henry
Mintzberg ?
(A) The Figure head role
(B) The Leader role
(C) The Liason role
(D) The Resource – allocator role

48. Which one is part of Michael Porter’s
generic strategies ?
(A) Cost leadership strategy
(B) Focus strategy
(C) Differentiation strategy
(D) All the above

49. Which one is not a part of
M.C. Kinsy’s 7’s frame work ?
(A) Standards (B) Structure
(C) Skills (D) Strategy

50. A corporate wide pay plan that uses a
structured formula to allocate a portion
of annual company profits to
employees is known as :
(A) Gain sharing
(B) Profit sharing
(C) ESOPS sharing
(D) All of the above

51. Who has called the POSDCORB a
‘folklore’ ?
(A) Michael Armstrong
(B) Michael Poole
(C) Rosemary Stewart
(D) Henry Mirzberg

52. Who has called the scientific
management a ‘rabble hypothesis’?
(A) Peter F. Drucker
(B) Elton Mayo
(C) Douglas McGregor
(D) None of the above

53. ‘Red hot stove’ rule of disciplinary
action was suggested by
(A) Douglas Mc Gregor
(B) Dale Yader
(C) Richard P. Calhoon
(D) Fred Luthans

54. “Model Grievance Procedure” is given
in the
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) Employee State Insurance Act
(C) Industrial Employment (standing
orders) Act
(D) Code of Discipline

55. Which of the following is a reason for
supporting a wider span of control ?
(A) To reduce opportunities for
(B) To have tighter control within the
(C) To increase contact between
managers and employees
(D) To reduce a process of delaying

56. A manager may delegate any of the
following except
(A) Authority
(B) Work load
(C) Responsibility
(D) None of the above

57. Which of the following is Herzberg’s
hygine factors ?
(A) Recognition at work place
(B) Reasonable salary
(C) Responsibility for work
(D) Sense of achievement

58. During whose prime ministership the
New Economic Policy was introduced
in India ?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Rajiv Gandhi
(C) P.V. Narasimha Rao
(D) A.B. Vajpayee

59. Arrange the needs in the order given
by Abraham Maslow in his need
hierarchy theory of motivation.
(a) Esteem need
(b) Self-actualization need
(c) Physiological need
(d) Safety needs
(e) Social needs
(A) d, a, c, b, e
(B) c, d, e, a, b
(C) a, d, c, b, e
(D) c, e, d, a, b

60. What is the limit of the salary of the
supervisor to be covered under the I.D.
Act, 1947 ?
(A) ` 1200 per month
(B) ` 1600 per month
(C) ` 2500 per month
(D) ` 3500 per month

61. Match the following :
List – I List – II
a. Principle of
and Welfare
i. The Trade
Union Act, 1926
b. Principle of
ii. Robert Owen
c. Principle of
iii.Payment of
Gratuity Act
d. Principle of
iv. The Philadelphia
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) iv ii iv i
(D) iv iii i ii

62. The basic postulates on which the ILO
standards lie are
(A) Labour is not a commodity
(B) Freedom of expression and of
association are essential to
sustained progress
(C) Poverty anywhere constitutes
danger to prosperity everywhere
(D) All the above

63. Which of the following statements
is / are true ?
(a) Labour Legislation is part of
Social legislation.
(b) Social Legislation is part of
Labour Legislation.
(c) Government is the regulatory
authority in case of Social
Legislation and Labour
(d) Civil Law judgement is based on
earlier judgements and labour
law judgement is based on
workers welfare.
(A) All the statements are true.
(B) (b) is true.
(C) (d) is true.
(D) (a), (c) and (d) are true.

64. The article in Indian Constitution that
imposes prohibition on traffic in
human beings, beggar and other similar
forms of forced labour is
(A) Article 19
(B) Article 23
(C) Article 32
(D) Article 45

65. The Industrial Employment (standing
orders) Act, 1946 applies to every
establishment employing
(A) 100 workmen
(B) 150 workmen
(C) 150 workmen on any day
preceeding 12 months
(D) 150 workmen on any day
preceeding 12 months and the
government can order by
application to establishments
employing less than 100.

66. The following persons are constructed
as insider of a registered trade union.
(A) Honorary member from the other
(B) Honorary member from other
(C) Politician who guides the
registered trade union.
(D) retired and retrenched members
of the trade union.

67. Workers’ facilitation centres shall be set
up by the facilitating agency under the
(A) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
(B) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
(C) Factories Act, 1948
(D) The unorganized sector workers’
Social Security Act, 2005

68. If the money is due from the employer
under the settlement or award, the
workman or his assignee can make an
application to the appropriate
government for the recovery within the
period given below.
(A) One year.
(B) One year and also after the said
period of the appropriate
government is satisfied that the
applicant has sufficient cause for
not making the application
within one year.
(C) Two years.
(D) Three years.

69. Ambulance room shall be provided if
(A) 30 womens workers are
employed under Maternity
Benefit Act, 1965.
(B) Creche is provided under the
Factories Act, 1948.
(C) 500 workers are employed in the
factory under the Factories Act,
(D) The Workmens’ Compensation
Act, 1923 is applicable to the

70. The first factory commission was
appointed in
(A) 1875 (B) 1881
(C) 1885 (D) 1895

71. Under the payment of Bonus Act,
1965, the gross profits derived by an
employer from an establishment in
respect of any accounting year shall be
(A) In case of Banking Company
according to schedule II and in
any other case schedule I.
(B) In case of Banking Company
according to schedule I and in
any other case schedule II.
(C) In case of Banking Company and
in any other case schedule I.
(D) In case of Banking Company and
in any other case schedule II.

72. Which Act provides for the
appointment of conciliation officers
and adjudication authorities ?
(A) The Factories Act, 1948
(B) The Industrial Disputes Act,
(C) The Trade Unions Act, 1926
(D) None of the above

73. The first to introduce the term
collective bargaining :
(A) Sidney and Beatrice webb
(B) Samuel Gompers
(C) Clark Kerr
(D) Robert Hoxie

74. Find the machinery which is not
method of settlement of industrial
dispute :
(A) consultation
(B) works committee
(C) conciliation
(D) Adjudication

75. Match the following :
List – I List – II
a. Human
i. David
b. Socio-
ii. UNDP
c. Poverty
iii.T.W. Scultz
d. World Human
iv. World Bank
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) iii iv ii i
(C) iii i iv ii
(D) iv ii i iii


Q01 C
Q02 D
Q03 A
Q04 A
Q05 A
Q06 A
Q07 D
Q08 D
Q09 D
Q10 A
Q11 D
Q12 A
Q13 B
Q14 D
Q15 C
Q16 A
Q17 C
Q18 B
Q19 C
Q20 D
Q21 B
Q22 A
Q23 C
Q24 C
Q25 D
Q26 C
Q27 C
Q28 C
Q29 C
Q30 B
Q31 A
Q32 A
Q33 C
Q34 C
Q35 B
Q36 C
Q37 B
Q38 B
Q39 C
Q40 A
Q41 A
Q42 D
Q43 B
Q44 A
Q45 C
Q46 C
Q47 D
Q48 D
Q49 A
Q50 B
Q51 D
Q52 B
Q53 A
Q54 D
Q55 C
Q56 C
Q57 B
Q58 C
Q59 B
Q60 D
Q61 A
Q62 D
Q63 D
Q64 B
Q65 D
Q66 D
Q67 D
Q68 B
Q69 C
Q70 A
Q71 B
Q72 B
Q73 A
Q74 A
Q75 C

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