Friday, 19 December 2014

Microsoft Power point Shortcut keys 3

Home = Move the cursor to beginning of current line of the text

End = Move the cursor to end of current line of the text

Ctrl+Home = Move the cursor to beginning of presentation

Ctrl+End = Move the cursor to end of presentation

Page up = Move to previous slide

Page down = Move to next slide

Ctrl+Left arrow = Moves cursor to beginning of previous word

Ctrl+Right arrow = Moves cursor to beginning of next word

Ctrl+Up arrow = Moves cursor to start of previous paragraph

Ctrl+Down arrow = Moves cursor to start of next paragraph

Shift+Left arrow = Select the previous letter

Shift+Right arrow = Select the next letter

Shift+Home = Select the text from the cursor to start of current line

Shift+End = Select the text from the cursor to end of current line

Shift+F1 = help

F5 = view the slide show

F7 = Spellcheck

F12 = Open saveas

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