Monday 27 January 2014


1. Which of the following is not a function normally performed by HR department?

a) Training and Development

b) Accounting

c) Pay and reward

d) Recruitment and selection

e) None of the above

2. Human Resource Management function does not involve:

a) Recruitment

b) Selection

c) Cost control

d) Training

e) None of the above

3. The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around:

a) Machine

b) Motivation

c) Money

d) None of the above

e) All the above

4. Human Resource Management aims to maximise employees as well as organisational

a) Effectiveness

b) Economy

c) Efficiency
d) Performance

e) None of the above

5. Which of the Article of Indian Constitution ensures equal opportunity for employment?

a) Article 16(1)

b) Article 16(2)

c) Article 17(A)

d) Article 16(B)

e) Article 16(C)

6. Changing efforts to overcome the pressures of both individual resistance and group conformity is called:

a) Freezing

b) Unfreezing

c) Planned change

d) Movement

e) None of the above

7. Which of the following is not an element of the management process?

a) Pricing

b) Staffing

c) Planning

d) Controlling

e) None of the above

8. Which of the following is not a managerial function of HRM?

a) Planning

b) Organising

c) Controlling

d) All the above

e) None of the above

9. Which of the following are the operative functions of management?

a) Job Analysis

b) Recruitment

c) Selection

d) All the above

e) None of the above

10. The process by which management determines how an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position is known as:

a) Human Resource Positioning

b) Human Resource Planning

c) Human Resource Development

d) Human Skill Development

e) None

11. The ability to understand what someone else is feeling is known as;

a) Remembering

b) Questioning
c) Critical listening

d) Responding

e) Empathy

12. A prominent politician was heard saying that people state was incapable of joining the army. He was ________:

a) Stereotyping

b) Projecting

c) Hallucinating

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

13. In which stage individual’s development is to achieve an ego identity?

a) Adolescence

b) Young adulthood

c) Adulthood

d) Maturity

e) None of the above

14. What does Hawthorne studies indicate?

a) The approach of the managers was right

b) Work processes were considered to be more important

c) Productivity will have relationship and bearing on Employee’s Emotions

d) People were not significant factor

e) All the above

15. What is most essential for achieving Work-Life balance?

a) Time management

b) Efficiency

c) Assertiveness

d) Emotional maturity

e) None of the above

16. What is the right order of stages of adulthood given by Erik Erikson?

a) Maturity, Young adulthood, Adulthood, Adolescence

b) Adolescence, Young adulthood, Maturity, Adulthood

c) Adolescence, Young adulthood, Adulthood, Maturity

d) Adolescence, Adulthood, Young adulthood, Maturity

e) None of the above

17. Mr. Dravid is a brilliant manager in Karnataka Cricket Bank. He is one of the few persons picked up by the top management from an IIM after MBA. Always on two phones at a time, he boasts about having no patience with the laggards. Often, he can be heard aggressively yelling at people on small issues. What type of person is Mr. Dravid?

a) Type B personality

b) Type A personality

c) Type C person
d) Type D person

e) None of the above

18. At which stage an individual starts establishing close relationship, starts forming and working in a group?

a) Adolescence

b) Young adulthood

c) Adulthood

d) Maturity

e) None of the above

19. Managers should adopt a………………… approach to deal with indiscipline in the organization.

a) Negative

b) Positive

c) Natural

d) Human

e) Behavioral

20. In which concept an employee develop a plan for upward movement within the same profession using organizational hierarchy?

a) Plateau career

b) Linear career concept

c) Steady state concept

d) Spiral career

e) None of the above

21. In which pattern, individuals choose a profession, acquire higher skills but do not choose to go higher up in the hierarchy?

a) Plateau career

b) Linear career concept

c) Steady state concept

d) Spiral career

e) Horizontal Career Concept

22. Individuals shift from one job to another not necessarily related to previous one without acquiring any excellence. Which career pattern satisfies this?

a) Transitory Career Concept

b) Linear Career Concept

c) Steady State Concept

d) Linear Bend Theory

e) None of the above

23. Under which career concept, an individual take on a new job, work hard, perform well, move up in status and rank, then move on to another type of work and follow the same pattern of development and performance?

a) Plateau career

b) Linear career concept

c) Steady state concept

d) Spiral career

e) Any of the above

24. Who gave Achievement Motivation Theory?

a) David C. McCelland and his associates

b) Clayton Alderfer

c) James Stacy Adams

d) Fredrick Herzberg

e) None of the above

25. ________ refers to assigning more and more jobs of same level to diversify the skills of a person?

a) Job Enlargement

b) Job Enrichment

c) Job Rotation

d) Job placement

e) None of the above

26. _______ means shifting an employee from one job to another at a same level with different functionality.

(a) Job Enlargement

b) Job Enrichment

c) Job Rotation

d) Job assignment

e) None of the above

27. Which theory assumes that the consequence of an individual’s behavior in one situation influences that individual’s behavior in a similar situation?

a) Reinforcement Theory
b) Adam’s equity theory

c) Achievement motivation theory

d) ERG theory

e) None of the above

28. Communication has no beginning or end. And is thus considered as an:

a) Transaction

b) Process

c) Speech

d) Meditation

e) Interaction

29. An exceptional demand curve is one that slopes:

a) Upwards to the right

b) Downwards to the right

c) Upward to the left

d) Horizontally

e) None of the above

30. Probability theory had its origin in

_______ games

a) Gambling

b) Travelling

c) Sports

d) Banking

e) None of these

31. Which of the systems will help in achieving HRD goals?

a) Training and Development

b) Performance Appraisal

c) Feedback and counseling

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

32. Johari Window concept is most useful for:

a) Understanding others

b) Self-Awareness

c) Working in Teams

d) Improving inter-personal relations

e) Improving other’s skills

33. The process of capturing the tacit knowledge of people in a systematic manner for future use is called_______:

a) Data entry

b) Information technology

c) Knowledge management

d) HR Management

e) All of the above together

34. _______ as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the individual to achieve performance improvement.
a) Human Resource Development

b) Human Resource management

c) Training and Development

d) Human Skill Reinforcement

e) None of the above

35. How HRD is helpful for employees of the organization?

a) To acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future job

b) To develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner potential for their own and/ or organizational development purpose.

c) To develop an organizational culture in which supervisor – subordinate relationships, teamwork and collaborations among subunits are strong and contribute to the professional well-being, motivation and pride of the employees.

d) All of the Above

e) None of the above

36. Which theory holds that learner is passive in the process of learning?

a) Mechanistic Theory

b) Cognitive Theory

c) Organism Theory

d) Inspiring Theory

e) None of the above

37. Which theory is based on the proposition that human beings are different from other living things?

a) Mechanistic theory

b) Cognitive theory

c) Organism theory

d) Demonstrative Theory

e) None of the above

38. In which type of theory, the purpose of learning is to teach the brain?

a) Mechanistic theory

b) Cognitive theory

c) Organism theory

d) Demonstrative theory

e) All the above

39. Learning occurs only when learners have ‘freedom to learn’. Which of the following theories hold this statement true?

a) Mechanistic theory

b) Cognitive theory

c) Organism theory

d) Assertive theory

e) None of the above

40. Mechanistic (or Behaviorist) theories, Cognitive theories and Organismic (humanistic) theories are three theories of learning. Which one ofthese theories equates man with his brain?

a) Behaviorist or mechanistic theories

b) Cognitive theories

c) Organismic or humanistic theories

d) Assertive theories

e) All the above

41. Humanistic theory is also known as:

a) Organismic Theory

b) Behaviorist Theory

c) Cognitive Theory

d) Mechanistic Theory

e) None of the above

42. What is the full form of SAT?

a) Systematic approach to training

b) System approach to training

c) Systematic approach to train

d) None of the above e) All the above

43. Mr. Dhoni is the Branch Manager in Jharkand Bank Ltd. He makes it a point to visit the prominent deposit customers himself to deliver their deposit receipts. He does not even take the “Relationship Manager” appointed for this purpose. Mr. Dhoni believes that none of the new generation staff is good enough to deal with such tasks. What is the “Life position” taken by Mr. Dhoni as regards the “Relationship Manager” as
per the “Theory of Life Position” propounded by Dr. Thomas Harris?

a) I am OK, you are OK

b) I am Ok, You are not OK

c) I am not OK, you are not Ok

d) I am not OK, you are not OK

e) None of the above

44. A sales man in a shop showed a Salwar Suit and told the customer that the cloth is very good, but expensive. He was using the following transaction:

a) Duplex

b) Angular

c) Complementary

d) Convincing

e) None of the above

45. What is the right order of stages of adulthood given by Erik Erikson?

a) Maturity, Young adulthood, Adulthood, Adolescence

b) Adolescence, Young adulthood, Maturity, Adulthood

c) Adolescence, Young adulthood, Adulthood, Maturity

d) Adolescence, Adulthood, Young adulthood, Maturity

e) None of the above

46. The Concept of Career path relates to

_______ of movements and deciding the ______ for each stage.

a) Sequence, time period

b) Number, candidates

c) Decision, number

d) Type, time period

e) None of the above

47. The main role function of the Welfare secretary was to meet the needs of

the workers and  prevent them


a) Forming Unions

b) Leaving the Job

c) Gossiping during duty

d) Disturbing other workers

e) None of the above

48. Union formations were seen in the

______of development of HRM:

a) First phase

b) Second Phase

c) Third phase

d) Unions have been present even before HRM came in to existence

e) Cooperative moment

49. Climate Management is possible by using HRIT. Climate information is gathered using:

a) Job satisfaction surveys
b) Performance appraisals by superiors

c) Studying attendance patterns in different weathers

d) 360 degrees appraisal

e) All the above

50. Job Analysis technique involves:

a) Job Description

b) Job Specification

c) Job Evaluation

d) All the above

e) None of the above


1) b           2) c 3) d   4) a   5) a   6) b
7) a           8) a 9) d   10) e 11) e 12) a
13) b 14) c 15) d 16) d 17) a 18) c
19) b 20) d 21) b 22) c 23) a 24) a
25) a 26) c 27) a 28) b 29) a 30) a
31) d 32) b 33) c 34) a 35) d 36) a
37) b 38) b 39) c 40) b 41) a 42) a
43) b 44) b 45) c 46) a 47) a 48) a
49) a 50) d

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