Saturday, 20 December 2014

All Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys/ Overall Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys

F2 = Edit the select cell

F5= Go t a specific cell

F7 = Spell check

F11 = Create chart

Ctrl+Shift+; = Enter the current time

Ctrl+; = Enter the current Date

Alt+Shift+F1 = Insert new worksheet

Shift+F3 = Open the Excel formula window

Shift+F5 =Bring up search box

Ctrl+A = Select all

Ctrl+B = Bold

Ctrl+I = Italic

Ctrl+K = Insert Link

Ctrl+U = under line

Ctrl+5 = Strkethrough hilighted selection

Ctrl+P = Print

Ctrl+Z = Undo

Ctrl+F9 = Minimize currently window

Ctrl+F10 = Minimize currently selected window

Ctrl+F6 = Switch between open workbooks

Ctrl+Pageup = Move b/w excel worksheets in the same documnt

Ctrl+Pagedown = Move b/w excel worksheets in the same documnt

Ctrl+tab = move b/w two or more open excel files

Alt+= = Create a formula to sum all of the above files

Ctrl+' = Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected

Ctrl+Shift+! = Format numbger in comma format

Ctrl+Shift+$ = Format numbger in currently format

Ctrl+Shift+# = Format numbger in date format

Ctrl+Shift+% = Format numbger in percentage format

Ctrl+Shift+^ = Format numbger in scientfic format

Ctrl+Shift+@ = Format numbger in time format

Ctrl+Arrow key = Move to next section of text

Ctrl+Space = Select entire colmn

Shift+Space = select entire row

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