Friday 19 December 2014

Historical Inventions of Computer/ Historical Overview of Computer 1600-1950s

YEAR        INVENTOR                                                INVENTION

1600           China                                                         Abacus
1617           Johan Napier                                              Napier's Bone
1642           Blaise Pascal                                              First Calculating Machine
1671           Gottfried Von Leibnitz                                 Calculator 
1801           Joseph Jacquard                                        Card of hole for weaving patterns
1823-34      Charles Babbage                                         Deference Engine, Analytical Engine

1880           Herman Hollerith                                        Tabulating machine using punch cards
1880           Lady Ada Lovelace                                     Binary Number System
1930           Howard Aitken and Grace Hopper( IBM )     MARK-1
1937-38      Dr John Vircent Atanassoff                         ABC
1946           JP Eckert and JW Mauchly                         UNIVAC
1947-49      John Von Neumann                                     EDSAC
1950           Moor School                                              EDVAC

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