Friday 5 December 2014

Close Test

                                                                CLOSE TEST

Actually every day we all are engaged in this business of reading people. We do it ---1---. We want to figure other out. So we---2--- make guesses about what others think, value, want and feel and we do so based on our---3--- beliefs and under standings about human nature. We do so because if we can figure out---4--- and intentions of others the possibility of them ---5--- or hurting us, ---6--- and this  will help us  to---7--- a lot of unnecessary pain and trouble. We also make second guesses about what they will do in future, how they will---8--- if we make this or that response. We do all this second guessing based upon our---9--- of what  we believe about the person’s inner nature---10--- his or her roles and manners. We mind read their---11--- motives.
                Also every day we miss guess and misread. Why? Because of the complexity. ---12--- and multidimensional functioning of people. After all how well do you read your own thoughts, aims, values, motives, beliefs, etc.? How wee do you know your own structuring process your own thinking and---13--- styles.

1.       Incessantly
2.       Constantly
3.       Assumptive
4.       Motives
5.       Blaming
6.       Lessens
7.       Avoid
8.       Respond
9.       Prediction
10.   Organizing
11.   Deeper
12.   Lay redness
13.   Emoting

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