1. Which committee recommended Regional Rural Bank?
2. Who is Marginal farmer?
3. Agricultural Labor means?
4. The Production of meat is represented by?
5. Black Revolution?
6. What is called Fish farming?
7. A frame is engaged in cultivating more fruits in his region is called?
8. What is the relationship b/w customer and banker?
9. Currency notes should not be stapled under?
10. Punch line of Canara Bank?
11. What are the benefits available through financial inclusion which has been adopted in our country?
12. Government of India had divided entirely new and revised crop insurance scheme designed to help the farmers and what do you mean by the scheme?
13. The sensitive index of National Stock Exchange of India is known as?
14. What do you mean by DIR scheme?
15. What does the letter S denote in the abbreviation SEBI?
16. Who is the first President of India?
17. Which ensure security and reasonable level of interest?
18. The price that is set, by some authority like the government or regulatory authority and not by the interplay of the forces of demand and supply is called?
19. The negotiable certificate of ownership in the shares of non American company that trades in an American stock exchange is called?
20. The wealthy investor who provides capital to entrepreneurs with startup companies which have high profits potential usually in exchange for equity in the company and a high rate of return is called?
21. Buying an one assets in one market and simultaneously selling it at another market at a high price, there by profiting from the price discrepancy in the two market is called as?
22. The rate at which the central bank of a country leads money to other banks or financial institutation is called?
23. Which refers to one hundredth of one percent Marginal movements in the interest rate, exchange rate etc. are usually expressed in terms of ---------points?
24. An environment tax on the users of fossil fuel to compensate for the pollution caused by the harmful carbon emissions in the environment is called?
25. The term relating to success in business to close relationships b/w business people and government official, where they take care of each other is called as?
26. A sustained fall in the general price level of goods and services, usually accompanied by fall in output and jobs is called?
27. The financial assets in the form of contract which derive their value from an underlying assets is called?
28. The fall in the fixed official rate at which one currently exchanged for another in a fixed exchange rate system is called?
1. Narasimhan Committee
2. Less than 2.50 acres irrigated land or 5 acres of dry land
3. The Laborers’ whose income is 50% or more from agriculture
4. Red revolution
5. Prodction of rubber
6. Pisciculture
7. Fruit Production
8. Lessee and Lessor
9. Clean note policy of RBI
10. Togethr we can
11. Access Credit markets
12. Rastriya Krishi Bhima Yojana
14. Differential Interal Interest Rate Scheme
15. Securities
16. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
17. Savings Bank
18. Administered Price
19. American Depository Receipt
20. Angel invertor
21. Arbitrage
22. Bank rate
23. Basis point
24. Carbon tax
25. Crony Capitalism
26. Defelation
27. Derivate
28. Devaluation
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