Monday 10 November 2014

General Awareness 1

1. Who is present Chairman of NABARD :      HARSH KUMAR BANWALA

2. OCTOBER 31st :                                        WORLD CITIES DAY

3. 2014 FIFA teams :                                       32

4. 2014 is a :                                                    INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FAMILY FARMING

5. India Artillery Gun name:                               DHANUSH

6. FB acquire WhatsApp with :                         $22 Billon

7. WhatsApp Founder :                                    JAN KOUM

8. 29/06/2014 Saina Nehwal won :                  AUSTRALIAN SUPER SERIES

9. Saina Nehwal Defeat                                   CAROLINA  MARIN

10. 1st women addtional Director of CBI :       ARCHANA RAMASUNDARAM

11. Carbon Credit is a :                                   PROTECTION OF ENIVERENEMENT

12. Suboroto Cup Associate with :                  FOOTBALL

13. first non African poorest country               AFGHNISTHAN

14. Book Lal Bahadur Sashtri Lesson in Leader Ship wrote by        PAVAN CHOUDARY

15. Matteo Ranzi is Young PM of                  ITALY

16. Secretary General of SAARC                 ARJUN BAHADUR THAPA

17. Courage and Conviciton is an Auto Biography of            VK SINGH

18. Highest Indian Economy Growth             2006-2007

19. Most Expensive City in th World ( for Expatriate Employees )                SINGAPORE

by gr8ambitionz

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